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Platelet-Rich Plasma - Cookeville TN | Fire & Ice Cryo Medical Spa

PRP (Platelet-Rich Plasma)

PRP (Platelet Rich Plasma) treatment is a scientifically proven, natural, and non-surgical procedure that stimulates new collagen and cell growth in your body. It only requires a specially prepared serum that requires a small amount of your blood. At Fire and Ice Med Spa, we can inject PRP, which boasts multiple benefits for skin, including diminishing facial scarring while increasing collagen production. This advanced repair system places growth factors taken from your platelets into your desired treatment areas. The PRP releases growth factors that promote repair in the surrounding cells, increasing volume and rejuvenating the skin or stimulating the hair follicle to grow when used for hair restoration. 

PRP Facial Injections

PRP facial injections minimize wrinkles and fine lines, increase collagen production, improve the skin's texture, and tighten the skin. PRP can be used in areas where fillers cannot reach or may not be approved to use, such as under the eyes.

PRP for Hair Restoration

Platelet-Rich Plasma may be used to restore hair growth without the need for surgery or downtime. Using growth factors within your platelets and plasma, PRP creates a healthy environment for hair to grow by stimulating the collagen in the scalp and regenerating tissue.

To see results of PRP, you will need three to four treatments scheduled at least four weeks apart. Final results will be visible 4-9 months following your treatment series. Schedule a consultation with Fire and Ice Cryo Med Spa to see if PRP treatment is the treatment for you!


Platelet-rich plasma, also called PRP, is produced from a sample of your own blood. PRP boasts multiple benefits for skin, including diminishing facial scarring and increasing collagen production.
Growth factors taken from your platelets are injected into treatment areas, releasing growth factors that promote repair in the surrounding cells. This process increases volume and rejuvenates the skin, or stimulates the hair follicle to grow when used for hair restoration. 
You will begin to see final results within 4-9 months following your treatment series. 
We may recommend three to four treatments scheduled at least four weeks apart, but we will plan your treatments based on your individual needs.

Although results vary from patient to patient, results from PRP treatment are expected to be long-lasting. 

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